Email Marketing

Fully Managed Email Marketing Service

Capture Your Potential Customers’ Minds & Hearts with Email Marketing – Generate Leads and Land Sales

FREE Strategy Session

Free 30 Min Strategy Session (Valued at €199)

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    Why Email Works?

    Advertising works. Directed Facebook ads, LinkedIn ads, Pay Per Click ads or any other form of digital marketing… when done right, nets you a profit… A big one even…


    Yet all these channels don’t stand a chance against email. In a face-off, email will always be the undisputed winner…


    It’s because email lets you write to the hearts and minds of your potential customers. Directly, personally, and effectively. It lets you connect.


    And as any business owner worth their salt knows… a customer that feels heard is a happy customer… and happy customers buy again.


    This is why email generates the most ROI across all marketing channels. Research says its 40 times more effective than social media marketing. Not convinced yet? People buy 3x faster through it too.


    Build a long-term ‘system’ that keeps on generating revenue. Engage your audience, and have them return again and again.



    Email Marketing Benefits.

    Build strong customer relationships
    Develop your own unique brand
    Set your brand as an expert with expert content
    Email marketing is time and budget efficient
    Build credibility
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    Nurture your leads and put them in the buying loop
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    Email Marketing Puts Your Audience into The Buying Loop.

    We’ve already teased you a little with the potential gains of a long-term email marketing ‘system’… and hinted at the value of contact lists…


    But how does that system look on the inside?


    Here’s a sneak peek: it will help you… reach out to new prospects… nurture leads… and then turn those leads into concrete sales…


    But there’s more… Have you ever heard of The Buying Loop?


    You can put a customer in it through smart email marketing. But only if you engage with your audience… only then can you turn regular customers into those who just can’t stop buying.

    The Results that Email Marketing Can Give You.

    0 $
    for every $1 you spend on Email Marketing
    0 %
    of SMBs rely on email as their primary customer acquisition
    0 %
    would like to receive promotional emails from their favorite brands
    0 %
    Sending three abandoned cart emails results in 69% more orders

    What You’ll Get and How We’ll Help.

    Your Own Expert Email Marketing Team
    Allow us to be your email experts (and let us join your in-house operations). Flip to see full details
    Your Own Expert Email Marketing Team
    Bring in the email marketing veterans and let us handle every task. Hands-free, perfectly fit, independent, and with guaranteed results – but always in touch with your business operations.
    Email Marketing Audit
    Assess your current email communications their effectiveness Flip to see full details
    Email Marketing Audit
    Let us audit and examine your current email marketing communications and strategies. We’ll benchmark your performance, discover bottlenecks, and create & execute a plan for maximum success.
    Content, Design, and Development
    The everything and all-in-one email marketing package Flip to see full details
    Content, Design, and Development
    Content writing, design, and development. Three crucial pieces that make or break an email campaign. If one is sub-par then you’re already in trouble. Hit or miss. Put all three in our hands and you’ll hit every time.
    AB testing & Segmentation
    Test for performance and segment your audience Flip to see full details
    AB testing & Segmentation
    No matter the audience, through A/B testing you’ll find the best methods of communication with your prospects. Discover audience segments, and market to each of them most effectively. Customize your communications to their stage in the buying process.
    List Building
    Let us help you pull in the crowd Flip to see full details
    List Building
    Build a long-term customer list that keeps on generating sales. Through lead magnets, we’ll attract the right prospects to opt-in. This is the first step in turning a cold audience into your most valuable business asset.
    Automate your email marketing Flip to see full details
    Once your email marketing channel is built, we’ll ensure that it is fully automated. A set-up system that runs on its own, hands-free, and turns anyone into a loyal returning customer.

    Let’s Talk

    Do you have any questions for us?
    Call us, tweet us, reach us on our social media channels or if you ain’t bothered, fill out the form below:

      By submitting the form, you authorize us to use your personal data to respond to your requests and/or queries
      By ticking this box you agree that we may contact you about Yoshiro Digital’s news, offers and promotional material. For further information visit our Privacy Policy